Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

My poop tastes like rainbows!


Oh god...

I'm so very vain.


I just had the biggest poop of my life.


I thought it was cute at first, (my username, I mean)  I chose it because I remembered my kinder teacher the one who looked like Peter Pan except with red hair, aaalwwaaays asking us to

"Clap you hands,"

"Criss cross applesauce,"

"And 1-2-3 eyes on me,"

I just realized how freaking vain, and attention whoreish I sound.


I am a vain diva, and attention seeking fiend. Beware.


I Cherrie Gibson, vow to be more down to earth and less of a emotional and over dramatic wreck... I really hope that suddenly keeping up with this blog wasn't some last resort to gain attention...

NO SIGMUND FREUD DEPART! I BID YOU FAREWELL! Go chomp on a marshmallow or something..

Really... I feel like Lea Michele, BUT 10x worse!!!!

Only good thing is......*secret* ..... pleaaaaaase I need to get out of my butt!!

Signing out,


Screw stinky poop

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hallo There

Feeling morose, really not quite sure what to type up here.

Okay, here I present to you "5 Facts about Cherise" , no wait


She hates her name
Is extremely Infantile
Would rather go by Cherrie
as in


Hiya ! Wassup! How y'all doing, hehehe I like speaking like a cowboy, if I were a cowboy I'd carry around a gold and licorice lassoe, licorice for when I need a snack, and a gold lassoe to be a prevailer of justice. Yay, justice!

Anyways it's Cherrie here, and I'm glad to bring you *jazz hands*

The life of Cherrie Sarah Gibson!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dear Strangers...

I will not bore you with tedious details about
"my life" updated every second, neither will I force you to read. 

I will however share a story about a very normal young girl whose life I find interesting.

 No I am not a creeper or anything similar to that. I am however very close to that girl, and she has given me permission to tell her story. 

Back on topic, now as I have already said I find this girls' story a good story, I will not force you to read this or anything as obscene as that, however if you have time here and there I would greatly appreciate your participation as a reader. Thank you.
